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AUIB Publications

Navigate a curated collection of scholarly works, research papers, and impactful publications that showcase the diverse expertise and contributions of AUIB's faculty and researchers.

The purpose of this Research Guide.

This Research Guide serves several purposes:

  1. Centralized Access: It provides a centralized platform for accessing all research outputs generated by the university's faculty, researchers, and students, facilitating easy discovery and exploration of scholarly works.
  2. Research Support: It aids researchers, students, and faculty in their academic pursuits by offering a comprehensive resource to find relevant resources. 
  3. Knowledge Sharing: It fosters knowledge sharing and collaboration among members of the university community by providing a platform to spread research findings and exchange ideas.
  4. Showcasing Expertise: The guide highlights the breadth and depth of expertise across various disciplines within the university, demonstrating its intellectual capital and research strengths.
  5. Historical Records: Serving as a historical record, the guide documents the evolution of research output over time, reflecting the growth and development of academic endeavors within the university.

Overall, the publication research guide plays a vital role in supporting the University's research environment, fostering scholarly exchange, collaborations, and advancement of knowledge.